FATHOM seeks dire writing by women, queers, and those considering themselves 'Other.' Text fit to meet—or be—the Gorgon. Sister SHARKPACK Poetry Review is our critical imprint.

We also seek: world Englishes; what's brut; what's perilous, uncanny, sublime, Neo-Gnostic. Note: most of what counts as 'contemporary letters' is anathema to us.

Genre is a marker of convenience and cannot define our interest in text that is frightfully alive.

When they rise, submission calls are listed here.

Joseph Spece is founder & editor-in-chief, overseeing every step of publication. Eric Westerlind aids with design and web. Darren Hopes is art consultant for Fathom.

If you represent an independent bookstore, small stockist, or library, we're happy to offer trade prices on book purchases. Please query Spece at editor@fathombooks.org, and include a link to your institution or business.

Follow FATHOM on Instagram at @fathombooks, if you dig. Otherwise, sign up for occasional mails via popup on this site. De profundis, sister. HIC SVNT LEONES.