FATHOM is an occasional literary press. We are interested in Neo-Gnostic texts and ephemera. Texts fit to meet—or be—the Gorgon. The OG, SHARKPACK Poetry Review, was our critical imprint; it's now an archive we love.

Neo-Gnostic: what's brut, perilous, sublime, really rhythmic; 'piercingly beautiful again.' Most of what counts as contemporary letters is anathema to us.

Genre is a marker of convenience and cannot define our interest in text that is frightfully alive.

When they rise, submission calls are listed here.

Joseph Spece is founder & editor-in-chief, overseeing every step of publication. Eric Westerlind is chief of book design and web.

We will publish our next set of titles in spring of 2025. All ordering is suspended until mid-April.

Sign up for biennial-or-so mails via popup on this site. De profundis, sister. HIC SVNT LEONES.